Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Coping Skills.

Three weeks from today, I will have walked out of my office at work for the last time for a month. That still seems crazy. I'm still trying to figure out how three weeks can seem like such a long time and such a short time...hmm...

Anyways. As I was working with one of my clients today, we were discussing the idea of coping skills when they feel anxious. I started thinking about that...obviously I've been experiencing some anxiety. How do I cope?

When I feel anxious, I feel like I don't have a lot of control. And when I feel like things are out of control, I find ways to feel like I have control. So I organize. I make lists. Spreadsheets. Tables. To-do lists. My planner looks like a rainbow threw up on it with all the color coding I do. Sometimes it borders on ridiculous.

When I went to my appointment with the neurosurgeon, I came with a full, typed page of questions for him. As I'm preparing for my pre-op appointment next week, I've started a new page of questions. I've already started thinking of what I want with me at the hospital and have a bag set aside that I'm putting stuff in. Like I said...I sometimes border on ridiculous.

I'm EXTREMELY thankful that I have a cousin that has worked/does work at the hospital that I'm going to be having the procedure done at. In my anxiety, I asked her if she knew if it would be possible to have a tour of the hospital so that, after having my body go through a trauma and being exhausted and in pain, I'm not also trying to understand my surroundings. I can go in knowing what to expect. She responded by letting me know that she would be willing, on her day off, mind you, to take me on a tour and talk to me about other things to think about. When she told me that she would do that, I was gently reminded of how blessed I am by my family and friends.

So I can be borderline ridiculous at times. Aren't we all?

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