Sunday, May 4, 2014

And We Breathe...

My family is the best. Don't question me. Don't argue with me. Just accept it and move on.

I just returned from a tour of the hospital where I will be having surgery and where I will be staying. My cousin works for that hospital and showed me around to help me ease my anxiety. Kim, I cannot express to you just how grateful I am that you were willing to do that.

Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center

She showed me the surgery waiting area and talked about what my family could expect. She explained that while in the SPA (Surgery Prep Area...yeah, talk about a let down...), I need to challenge myself to relinquish control and know that everyone there knows what they're doing. I'm sure that comment was made because she knows how much of a Type A I can be.

Surgery Waiting Area

She showed me the ICU and talked to me about what to expect there. She challenged me to remember that I know myself and I know my body, so to tell what I'm feeling and what I need. She explained how food works and how I can measure how far I walked based on the number of hearts I walk past (1 heart on the wall means you've gone 25 feet).

She showed me rooms on the medical floor and explained what to expect there. She explained how to get around and where to go and how to get needs met. She basically took my anxiety down about 17 notches, which is MIRACULOUS, considering where I am right now with that.

Hospital Lobby

While I still have a long way to go to get rid of the anxiety, and I'm certain that won't happen until well after the surgery is over, I was reminded today of the amazing support system that I have around me. From friends recommending what to bring, to coworkers who are willing to visit me and take care of my house while I'm in the hospital, to family who is willing to drop anything to be there, I have to be one of the most blessed people on the face of the Earth.

The crazy family I'm blessed to call mine. Kim is on my left in the cream-ish colored sweater. 

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, love this! You'll do great Shannon...better than great. :)
