Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Surgery, Part Three.

Sorry for the long in six month delay...but I wanted to complete the trilogy with The Surgery, Part Three - Med/Surg Floor and Discharge.

Someone from transport came up to my room in the ICU and I made my way to the wheelchair. I went from the third floor to the first floor. On my way, I learned that I would be sharing a room...not my first choice, but the neuro med/surg floor hasn't been updated and there's still shared rooms. I arrived in my new room still a little sleepy but excited that I was progressing enough to move out of ICU.

My neurosurgeon, Dr. Weinstein, came to visit. He said that he was pleased with the progress I was making, but still wasn't comfortable enough to send me home. However, he said that if I continued to progress the way that I was, I would likely be able to go home tomorrow. After he left, I took a nap. I knew my sister and dad would be coming, so I wanted to make sure that I was alert, especially for Sam.

After waking up, I attempted to order lunch. Daniel helped me to brush my hair and get cleaned up a little bit. I was looking forward to more visitors, though the quarters were a little cramped. Daniel and I decided that I should take my first "long" walk since the surgery, so away we went. I leaned on the railings along the hallway with Daniel holding my hand and supporting me every step of the way. We made it to the end of the hall, turned the corner, and went half way down the next hall. By that point, I was dizzy and tired, so we made a u-turn and headed back for my room. I crawled back into my bed and power napped until my family showed up.

I sat up in bed and, soon after, my mom, dad, and sister arrived in my room. Four people in my tiny half of the room was a bit squished, but it was extremely nice to have them there. We talked and laughed and I took a stab at eating a quesadilla for lunch. I still wasn't super hungry, but I knew I wanted to go home so I tried to eat. After I rested a little longer, Sam, Daniel, and I took another walk down the hallway. I wanted to be able to show Sam that I was doing well and I wanted to show everyone that I was ready to go home.

The checks weren't as frequent as they were in the ICU, which was nice, as fewer interruptions allowed for more rest. My family went home, followed shortly by Daniel, then I was tucked into bed for what would hopefully be the last night in the hospital.

I slept room was outrageously hot, so I turned on the fan that Daniel had set up in my room. A few hours later, I was woken up for a vitals check and to take my meds. I ordered breakfast and waited for rounds. The PA arrived in my room and asked me if I wanted to go home. After a resounding YES from me, he said, "Ok, boss. Go home." Discharge paperwork got started and I excitedly called Daniel and my family to let them know I was coming home (and that I needed someone to come get me). IVs were pulled out, hospital gowns got switched out for people clothes, and someone with a wheelchair arrived at my bedside.

As soon as the doors to the hospital opened, I inhaled as much fresh air as I could and got into the car. Meds were picked up and I sleepily observed on the drive home. As soon as I got home, my sweet dog came bounding out to the car, greeting me as if I had been away forever. She gingerly walked beside me as I was escorted into my home. MY home. I crashed on MY sofa surrounded by the best support team a girl could have.

In that moment, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. First, and most importantly, to a Heavenly Father with a perfect plan. Second, to my family for being patient and loving through the highs and the lows. Third, to my fiance, who didn't have to be a part of this journey but chose to be and loved me through it. Finally, to countless doctors and nurses who never gave up on the mystery patient and worked to help me find my way off the tilt-a-whirl.

Thank you.

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